Each level of sponsorship brings a variety of benefits to our partners

Help provide linguistically and culturally-appropriate mental health services
to the Latinx community
Support the culturally and linguistically appropriate community-based campaign Listen to your Emotions – Care for your Life. This multimedia campaign is a grassroots initiative created by talented local Latinx professionals. This campaign is one of the various strategies ofHope, a project fromHispanic Center of Dane County.This project supports the mental health and wellbeing of our Latinx community.
Because of the great number of essential workers and the lack of access to health care, the Latinx community locally and nationally has been affected disproportionately by the current pandemic. This has exacerbated the barriers and challenges our community already experiences every day. According to local experts the main issues affecting the Latinx community currently are: economic instability, housing, lack of access to health insurance and health care, lack of bilingual and culturally appropriate services. Despite the strength and resilience of our Latinx community, families are sharing stories of extreme stress, despair, and hardship. Many are struggling with mental health issues, especially anxiety and depression. Elders, adults, children, and youth are being affected.
This multimedia campaign counts with seed funding from the Department of Health Services to alleviate the mental health crisis aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic and prevent risks of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). The campaign currently also counts with the support of several non-profit organizations, foundations and health care systems. (Michel, should we list or add all logos here? Sponsors like to know who else is sponsoring)
Through bilingual educational videos, public announcements, interviews and virtual community sessions with licensed bilingual mental health professionals this multimedia campaign will:
· Identify and describe mental health symptoms that are in a practically and relatively appropriate cultural way.
Decrease cultural taboo and stigma around mental health within the Latinx community.
· Provide information and actionable tools to reduce symptoms of anxiety.
· Increase knowledge about healthy communication within the families.
· Support parents and guardians to better deal with their teenagers during pandemics.
There are many ways you can get involved:
· By sponsoring the campaign (see sponsorship levels and benefits).
· By connecting us with potential sponsors.
· By promoting the bilingual videos after the production is done.
To request more information about the campaign and how to become a sponsor please contact the campaign clinical director and coordinator Ana Paula Soares, MS, LPC at anapaula26soares@gmail.com or by phone at (414) 530-4620.